How to reward your Guarantor for helping you with your loan.
It is easy to take the fact that your guarantor has offered to help you out by supporting your loan application for granted. It is important to remember that this is a big commitment from your guarantor and therefore what you can do to show you appreciate the support.
There are many ways to say thank you to your guarantor, ranging from simply saying thank you to buying a present. In many ways the best way to repay the faith that has been shown in you by your guarantor is to make all the repayments on time. The question is, should there not be some other way in giving a guarantor some sort of benefit or reward on top of simply making payments on time? At GuarantormyLoan we are looking to do exactly this, by giving a guarantor a reward after the first 12 payments are made in full and or time.
This innovative product design is aimed to give customers a way to reward their guarantor in a meaningful way and to say thank you for the support given by them.