Using Guarantor Loans to Improve Your Credit
Many people believe that being in debt is bad, no matter how much you owe or who you owe it to. The truth is that we can’t access and use credit to buy homes or cars without going into debt. In many cases, the problem is that consumers have simply taken on too much debt. We understand the yearning to be debt-free, but we also know how using debt (credit) such as guarantor loans to your advantage can help you get the things you want in life.
When to consider applying for a guarantor loan
•No credit history – If you’re new to the credit market and have no credit history, you may be able to take out a small guarantor loan that will help you establish credit. Be sure you can afford the payments, and always pay your bills on time to establish great credit. Soon you’ll have access to mainstream credit. Be prudent, and never take on more debt than you can handle.
•Debt consolidation – Most people these days are looking for ways to get out of high interest credit card debt or pay day loans. Using a guarantor loan with fixed loan terms and monthly payments is a great idea.
•Rebuilding your credit – If you’ve had some negative payment history in the past, but are ready to meet your financial obligations now, taking out a guarantor loan with payments you can afford is a great way to show a positive payment history. It may take some time to show your ability and willingness to pay, but after several months of on-time payments, your credit score should go up.
If you find yourself in financial difficulty, taking on more debt is not a good idea. You can’t use personal loans as a way of getting ahead, and you shouldn’t borrow more money right now if you find yourself in financial difficulty. Instead, make a plan reduce your debt load, and always review your credit report and score each year.