If you are planning a big purchase or need some extra cash you should always ask yourself whether you can repay it. It is very important to work out how much you can pay. Make sure you are realistic about how much you could pay if your mortgage or rent went up or you had to spend more on things like energy bills.
The next step is to ensure you work out the total cost of credit you are taking out and not just the amount you are borrowing. Taking time to work out the full costs of any borrowing lets you plan your finances and ensures that you really can afford it. Fees & Cash back might not feature when you search for credit but make sure you take these into account.
At Guarantor My Loan we do not charge fee and we do pay cash back to your guarantor, no other Guarantor Lender does this! At Guarantor My Loan we complete Affordability checks for every credit agreement to ensure that you can afford the loan, we make sure you are given an explanation of the key features of the loans – including the risks and assess your creditworthiness.
Remember Do Not overstretch yourself by taking out loans you cannot afford to pay back!