We face many different choices for the products and services which we buy. To make decisions on which to buy we may use a variety of different aspects such as
Expected Life
Sellers name and reputation
Buying credit is no different, whether you are borrowing money to buy goods or services or just taking out a loan so you can pay off previous debts. It is harder to work out the cost of credit than many other services because there can be different repayments at different times. So, if we are able to compare the costs of credit between different offers we need a measure to take account of all of them. This is the APR.
The APR is a measure of the cost of each credit agreement, taking into account all the charges made under the agreement. It enables you to compare the cost of each deal and work out which is best value for you.
When comparing Guarantors loans ensure you look at any rewards that are on offer, whether they are a direct lender, the loan application process and whether over payments can be made to help save money on interest. At Guarantor My Loan we offer a Bonus Reward, we are a direct lender, have a quick easy online process and allow over payments on your loan!
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